Mr. Anthony “AB” Brooks: Principal, Speaker, Consultant
Are you familiar with DMC (Disproportionate Minority Contact)? What about the “School to Prison Pipeline”? Have you ever considered the impact the Risk and Protective Factor Theory actually has on the youth population and our communities? Attitudes are formed and shaped to a large degree by what we are exposed to and how well we can relate. Youth today are susceptible to a myriad of issues today because of access; that access includes almost everything and anything they can imagine. This session will reveal some of the barriers to working with youth, as well as information on how adults may better intervene and serve youth. You only have control over three things in your life: the thoughts you think, the picture you visualize, and your behavior. These three things direct your life every day. Speaker and trainer Anthony Brooks presents the methods necessary to become more productive and effective employees, administrators and service providers to the youth we serve. Whether the goal is reducing recidivism, building resiliency, dealing with peer pressure, or simply becoming more effective, participants will leave equipped to positively change lives.
When students realize how the picture they hold, the plan they have, the preparation necessary, and the importance of pursuing their goals, they will have the formula needed for success. In his current capacity he deals with youth from all walks of life and is hands on with them on a daily basis. His program is a model program in the state of Alabama, is utilized across the state, and has been recognized as one of the top programs in the entire state. Mr. Brooks will teach you how to deliver this message and how to define, design, and develop a plan of action